--> Abstract: 3D Petroleum Systems Modeling in Fold and Trhust Belts - A Case Study from Bolivia; #90063 (2007)
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3D Petroleum Systems Modeling in Fold and Trhust Belts - A Case Study from Bolivia


Di Benedetto, Matais1, Emilio Rocha2, Simone Sciamanna3, Friedemann Baur4, Carolyn Lampe5 (1) Repsol YPF, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2) Repsol, N/A, Argentina (3) RepsolYPF E&P Brazil, Rio de Janerio, Argentina (4) Integrated Exploration Systems, Aachen, Germany (5) Integrated Exploration Systems, 52072 Aachen, Germany


3D Petrolum Systems Modeling in Fold And Thrust Belts – A Case Study from Bolivia

A 3D Petroleum Systems Modeling (PSM) study has been performed in a fold and thrust belt using a new approach called PetroMod® 3D-TecLink, developed by IES. TecLink allows to investigate petroleum systems in complex tectonic settings, where not only the thermal history but also the generation, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons are influenced by thrust faults. For the first time PSM is used to simulate a fully integrated 3D model through time. The input data comprises the present-day geometry, 14 restored paleo-sections as well as temperature, maturity and pressure calibration data along key-wells.


The study area is located in the Sierras Subandinas of Bolivia, 120 km northeast of Tarija and includes gas and condensate fields. Sedimentary sequences of up to 8 km have been deposited from Early Ordovician up to late Pliocene, with a foreland basin setting from early Miocene. During the last 7 Ma the kinematics were forced by thin-skin tectonics that generated a hinterland duplex geometry. Well known type II - III source rocks are the Middle Devonian Los Monos and the Early Devonian Icla Formation with TOC contents of up to 2 wt%. The Silurian Kirusillas formation is a hypothetical source rock. The Los Monos formation acts as a regional seal responsible for generating overpressure compartments. The main reservoirs are the fractured Early Devonian quartzites of the Huampampa and the Late Devonian Iquiri formation. The model results depict the observed temperature and pressure regime as well as the HC generation within the fold and thrust belt.


AAPG Search and Discover Article #90063©2007 AAPG Annual Convention, Long Beach, California